Tertianship in Bikfaya – School of the Heart
I have always liked the term “schola affectus”, the school of the heart. It has less of a hard edge to it than an academic year with assignments and exams. But the heart, as well as being the place of tender emotions, is also the place of anger and hurts. So tertianship, under God’s grace, is a place of healing and reconciliation in an international group of companions. This year in Bikfaya we were a community of ten made up of nine nationalities.
خبرة الرياضة الكبيرة للمبتدئين
اتفقتُ مع فوّاز أن نتشارك بعضنا البعض ما عشناه في الرياضة الكبيرة ثم ندوّن ما حدث في هذا اللقاء، وتكون هذه مشاركتنا عن خبرة الثلاثين يومًا بالرياضة الروحيّة.إلتقينا صباح الأربعاء 29 مارس الساعة 11 صباحاً فى حديقة دير الإبتداء بشبرا وجلسنا على كرسيين متقابلين وبيننا القهوة. كانت حركة التلاميذ وأصواتهم حولنا، فمن يعرف المكان سيتخيل أجواء التلاميذ والمدرسة التي تحيط بنا. سألتُ فوّاز: من أين نبدأ؟
ندوة العفّة للمبتدئين في مصر
بتساؤلات كثيرة حضرنا ندوة العفة للمبتدئين للأب نادر ميشيل اليسوعي وكانت تشهد وجود مبتدئين من رهبانية الكرمل والفرنسيسكان وراهبات قلب يسوع الأصغر والراعي الصالح والمصريات
Did you ever hear the story of what happened when three Egyptians, two Syrians, an Austrian, a Pole, an Australian-Belgian-Dutchman, a Lebanese, and two Americans who walked into a dining room? While this scenario may sound like the beginning of a joke, or a gathering at the United Nations, it is rather a description of the reality that we at the Community of St. Ignace live every day. In the last few months, we have managed to showcase the unity our vocation amidst much diversity, not only of national origin, but also of varying interests, missions, and personalities.
Four scholastics are doing a mix of philosophy studies. Two are in special studies and two are regents. Garrett is studying Arabic full-time with occasional volunteering in Karantina. Gerald has been assiduously learning Arabic before he departs for Homs later this month while Tomasz began his degree in Christian-Muslim dialogue at USJ. Ryan is studying Arabic and working part time for JRS. Meanwhile, Fr. Ronney Gemayel has been our acting superior, head of CEDRAC, the Pastorale for universities. Fr. Sami Hallac has been engaging in academic work on icons, as well as serving as minister of our community. As minister, his adventures have taken him all the way to Bourj Hammoud to procure spices, and he has coordinated a great deal of the repair of the Beirut blast. Fr. Paul Browers has shared his many years of Jesuit life with the community. As spiritual father, he continuously orients us to our Ignatian roots, and has encouraged us to pray with foundational texts such as the discernment of the first companions in Venice.
Liturgically, we are currently following the Byzantine rite but earlier followed the readings of the Maronite Rite and occasionally celebrate with the Latin rite. We followed the Season of the Cross and then followed with the Latin readings for the month of November. We became very well acquainted with the readings of the Apocalypse!
We’ve also celebrated four birthdays. Garrett Gundlach (UMI) has started a beautiful custom of soliciting members of the community for affirming words about the person celebrating his birthday. He then gathers the words together along with drawings of the person. It has been well received. At his behest, we’ve also started the practice of casually meeting after our evening prayer on Thursdays for conversation, sunflower seeds, and listening to jazz music.
Osama has begun learning the violin and to drive. Mike can be heard practicing his electric guitar, For Advent, Gerald Baumgartner (ASR) suggested the European custom of Rorate masses. Once a week, the community has been rising before six am, to celebrate a candlelit mass that finishes just as the sun rises over the Medittaranean. Tomasch Matyka (POL) has been a faithful deacon—serving at every mass at home as well as in nearby Melkite parishes on Sundays. Hosam burns the midnight oil for his studies and coordinates all of our local shopping, especially in the procurement of fruits and vegetables. Ramez serves as our économe, shares his many artistic gifts with the community and helps with the pastorale at USJ.
Somehow, in all of our diversity, we have found a real unity. In these uncertain days, we pray that our community continues to be a place of inspiration, relaxation, and the mutual encouragement of one another in this wild and beautiful vocation.
Ryan Birjoo
Tertianship in Bikfaya – School of the Heart
I have always liked the term “schola affectus”, the school of the heart. It has less of a hard edge to it than an academic year with assignments and exams. But the heart, as well as being the place of tender emotions, is also the place of anger and hurts. So tertianship, under God’s grace, is a place of healing and reconciliation in an international group of companions. This year in Bikfaya we were a community of ten made up of nine nationalities.
خبرة الرياضة الكبيرة للمبتدئين
اتفقتُ مع فوّاز أن نتشارك بعضنا البعض ما عشناه في الرياضة الكبيرة ثم ندوّن ما حدث في هذا اللقاء، وتكون هذه مشاركتنا عن خبرة الثلاثين يومًا بالرياضة الروحيّة.إلتقينا صباح الأربعاء 29 مارس الساعة 11 صباحاً فى حديقة دير الإبتداء بشبرا وجلسنا على كرسيين متقابلين وبيننا القهوة. كانت حركة التلاميذ وأصواتهم حولنا، فمن يعرف المكان سيتخيل أجواء التلاميذ والمدرسة التي تحيط بنا. سألتُ فوّاز: من أين نبدأ؟
ندوة العفّة للمبتدئين في مصر
بتساؤلات كثيرة حضرنا ندوة العفة للمبتدئين للأب نادر ميشيل اليسوعي وكانت تشهد وجود مبتدئين من رهبانية الكرمل والفرنسيسكان وراهبات قلب يسوع الأصغر والراعي الصالح والمصريات
من أخبار دير القّديس أثناسيوس، بيت الابتداء
1- كانت فعاليّات سنتنا الجديدة قد بدأت في 27 سبتمبر/أيلول المنصرم، عشيّة وصول ربيع من لبنان، وكان جوليان من سوريا ورامي من مصر/سوهاج قد سبقاه في الوصول ببضعة أسابيع (نترك لهم فرصة تقديم أنفسهم في الأسطر اللاحقة).
Life at Saint-Gregoire During Lockdown
Here in Geitaoui we are grateful for our life in community even as (or perhaps especially as) we endure the lockdown together. Our particular blend of personalities is fairly harmonious, with good humor and mutual support helping us to maintain our mental and spiritual health in confinement
أخبار الدارسين في باريس: الفصل الرّابع- دراسة اللاّهوت
إنّه الفصل الرّابع من مرحلة التّكوين اليسوعيّ، إنّه فصل دراسة اللاّهوت. وبفضل العلاقات الجيّدة الّتي تجمعنا بفرنسا، فإنّ الدّارس اليسوعيّ يُوَجَّه عادّةً إلى “مركز سيفر” لمرحلة اللاّهوت. هكذا هي حال غالبيّة اليسوعيّين في إقليم الشّرق الأدنى والمغرب العربيّ.