أخبار ذات صلة
مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

يتيح العمل في الرسالة على مشاهدة حضور الله في خليقته، وتلمّس أعماله الجميلة والمحيّة في كلّ مخلوقاته. لكن هذه المشاهدة ليست سهلة، لأنّها تحتاج إلى قراءة يوميّة للأحداث والمواقف على ضوء نظر الله المحبّ.

قراءة المزيد
Easter Greetings from the AMC!

Easter Greetings from the AMC!

It has been a challenging year for many migrants in Lebanon. Our community members have weathered rising rents and scarcer work, fears of expanding conflict, travel restrictions, and a whole host of daily difficulties. And yet, Easter joy abounds! The joy of the resurrection was made obvious this last week here in the AMC. Our whole community gathered for the Paschal Triduum to walk with Christ through his death and resurrection.

قراءة المزيد
Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

The third batch of tertians in Bikfaya have just graduated their school of the heart. Theirs has been a very particular class. It is true of every class, and of each tertian. But armed conflicts leading to displacements and disruptions are not a common tertianship experiment. I am so grateful that all participants kept safe and well, and even drew no little spiritual profit from the difficult situation in which they found themselves.

قراءة المزيد

It’s strange to believe that almost three years have passed since arriving to the PRO province. As my time here draws to a close, I am very grateful to all its members for the welcome and possibility of learning and ministering together. In praying about this time, and what it has meant to be a Jesuit here, three Gospel images come to mind:

  • Leaven: Whether considering ministries with a long history, such as USJ and N.D. de Jamhour, or apostolates relatively new to the region such as JRS, Jesuits have had to fulfill their missions without being great in number. Such situations carry opportunities and challenges. Jesuits carry great responsibility and must invest in collaboration. It is an endeavour that requires great humility and trust in the Spirit working through others, because no matter how brilliant, hardworking, or entrepreneurial a Jesuit is, he cannot do everything, al humdullah. Indeed, in a world of increasing professionalization, Jesuits have much to learn from lay colleagues as well. Still, a Jesuit here must learn how, suaviter in modo, to demonstrate and live an Ignatian vision of life that helps people to see the value of their work for the greater glory of God through service to others. In a world of slogans and mission statements that often ring hollow when impinged upon by reality, only such a living presence can be the leaven that allows each person served and collaborator to grow to their fullest potential.
  • A vine with many intertwined branches: While visiting Iraq, as part of JRS work, I had rich encounters with the Yezidi minority group, who survived the violent genocide that Daesh attempted to perpetrate beginning in 2014. It was a reminder to me of the complexity and history of the different groups present in the region. The Jesuits, and indeed, the Christians of the Middle East area at a crossroads with many poignant questions at stake, especially when it comes to others, within and without. What I am particularly grateful for, is the example of individual Jesuit lives and interests, and how they take initiative on these matters. Certainly, the example of Fr. Joe Cassar, and his investment in the Yezidi community comes to mind, and the fact each of the Jesuits in formation here has to learn about the depths of the Islamic tradition. Such initiatives are examples for the worldwide Society.
  • Light: Whether considering the Beirut blast of August 4th 2020, the ongoing economic crises across the region (but particularly in Lebanon and Syria), and the it is no exaggeration to say that we have dealt with great tragedies in the last three years. Yet, human life cannot be reduced to catastrophic headlines. Life, and the depth of God’s graces, have been so much more. When I think of our celebrations in community, and encounters with so many individuals who took their time and resources to share a cup of coffee and some barazeq, my heart swells with faith in the Christ, who comforts us as we comfort his afflicted ones. The continuing journey of our shared companionship, the opportunities to witness the physical beauty of this region, and the simple joys that these difficult times cannot blot out, remind me that there is still good worth laboring for.

As I continue my theological studies, I hope to return, and leave you with a heart full of gratitude, a soul touched by your kindness, and a promise to remember you in my prayers, with hope that you will do the same.

Ryan Birjoo s.j.

أخبار ذات صلة

مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

يتيح العمل في الرسالة على مشاهدة حضور الله في خليقته، وتلمّس أعماله الجميلة والمحيّة في كلّ مخلوقاته. لكن هذه المشاهدة ليست سهلة، لأنّها تحتاج إلى قراءة يوميّة للأحداث والمواقف على ضوء نظر الله المحبّ.

قراءة المزيد
Easter Greetings from the AMC!

Easter Greetings from the AMC!

It has been a challenging year for many migrants in Lebanon. Our community members have weathered rising rents and scarcer work, fears of expanding conflict, travel restrictions, and a whole host of daily difficulties. And yet, Easter joy abounds! The joy of the resurrection was made obvious this last week here in the AMC. Our whole community gathered for the Paschal Triduum to walk with Christ through his death and resurrection.

قراءة المزيد
Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

The third batch of tertians in Bikfaya have just graduated their school of the heart. Theirs has been a very particular class. It is true of every class, and of each tertian. But armed conflicts leading to displacements and disruptions are not a common tertianship experiment. I am so grateful that all participants kept safe and well, and even drew no little spiritual profit from the difficult situation in which they found themselves.

قراءة المزيد
D’Ankara à Belfast, Le Caire, Ephèse, Nicée, Eskişehir, Almaty (et bien d’autres lieux!)

D’Ankara à Belfast, Le Caire, Ephèse, Nicée, Eskişehir, Almaty (et bien d’autres lieux!)

Qu’est-ce que vous faites à Ankara? Telle est souvent une des premières questions que j’entends lorsque je voyage. Chacun de nous quatre avons bien sûr nos activités habituelles: Michael écrit pour diverses publications (maintenant sur “l’appel universel à la sainteté”); Changmo étudie le turc, commence à s’engager avec les jeunes à la paroisse et s’acclimate peu à peu à la Turquie; Alexis, responsable de cette paroisse turcophone et de la formation de ses catéchumènes, est également impliqué dans des médias et la gestion pratique de la résidence; quant à moi, supérieur de celle-ci, je travaille dans la formation et l’accompagnement au service de l’Église de Turquie, et ai quelques engagements en dehors du pays pour le dialogue interreligieux, à divers titres.

قراءة المزيد
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