Passage au Mexique
Le mois d’août était l’occasion de visiter le Mexique, ma famille et les jésuites de la Province. Après avoir passé deux semaines de vacances en famille, à Torreón, dans le nord du Mexique, je me suis déplacé à Guadalajara (Oued el Hadjara), où la Compagnie de Jésus dirige deux collèges et une grande université (ITESO), où des scolastiques des diverses provinces d’Amérique Latine et des Etats Unis étudient le premier ou seconde cycle de Philosophie et Sciences Sociales.
الأب نورس السمّور في نامور – بلجيكا
وصلت في شهر أيلول/سبتمبر من السنة الماضية إلى مدينة نامور Namur في بلجيكا وذلك من أجل القيام بخدمات رعوية أساسية في أبرشية إقليم نامور. أبرشية نامور لها انتشار كبير في ريف بلجيكا الناطقة باللغة الفرنسية ويبلغ عدد كنائسها (رعاياها) حوالي ال ٧٥٠ كنيسة يخدمها ٢٣٠ كاهن أكثر من ثلهم أجانب من أصول أفريقية بمعظمهم، ومن الثلثين المتبقيين من الكهنة البجيكيين تبلغ نسبة من هم من أصول أجنبية أكثر من النص.
La formation des catéchètes en Syrie
En tant que responsable de la catéchèse pour toutes les communautés catholiques de Damas et Banlieue et, récemment de l’ensemble de la Syrie, deux sujets essentiels me préoccupent : la formation des catéchètes et le programme.
Early in October, on a visit to Washington DC and Detroit with Fr Dan Corrou, I was overawed to see the level of interest in the mission of JRS Iraq as well as in the desire to establish a Jesuit community in this country. The welcome and support of JRS/USA in DC were amazing. It was a blessing to meet a small number of donors who believe in and want to support the mission of the Society among forcibly displaced persons in the Middle East. In the Detroit area, home to tens of thousands of Iraqi Americans, I was left speechless by the enduring appreciation and gratitude expressed by several elderly alumni of the former Baghdad College and Al-Hikma University for the Jesuits who dedicated themselves to the Iraq mission until their expulsion in 1968 and 1969 respectively. Our meetings with leaders from the Chaldean Community Foundation were a testimony to the lasting impact of scores of American Jesuits who left the known, embraced the unknown, and served with every ounce of their energy.
On 20 October 2014, JRS Iraq turned 7 years old. This is far from an anniversary to be celebrated. Rather, it is a reason for intensifying prayer for God’s glory to shine on this land and for Iraq’s people to be blessed with peace. Closures of camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in federal Iraq in late 2020 and early 2021 drove down official figures quite significantly. In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, however, tens of thousands of IDPs still continue to live in camps. From the outset, however, JRS Iraq focused its energies to serve out-of-camp IDPs and, among them, the most vulnerable. This is the raison d’être of JRS’s continued presence and integrated multi-sectoral interventions among displaced Yazidi genocide survivors in Sharya, near Duhok. JRS Iraq’s other major involvement is in Qaraqosh, in the Nineveh Plains—the humble town visited by Pope Francis on 7 March 2021 that is the hub of Christianity in federal Iraq. Here, against the many odds and against the backdrop of a shaky security situation, Christian returnees seek to rebuild their lives. Circumstances vary greatly from those in Sharya, but JRS maintains a consistent level of discreet but effective multifaceted support, focusing on education, mental health and psychosocial support, and financial assistance and food aid to the most vulnerable. Despite the multiple challenges posed by pandemic related as well as access and bureaucratic restrictions, JRS has served tens of thousands of persons in both federal Iraq and in the Kurdistan Region, in on-site as well as outreach activities. In the second half of the year, JRS undertook five needs assessment visits to the Sinjar district and to the largely destroyed western side of Mosul city. In the latter, a very substantial distribution of quality food aid reached some 400 families, mostly Muslim remainees. JRS has also begun a pilot intervention in Sinjar, providing transportation to Sharya or Duhok for mental health cases who need psychotherapy and follow-up care or medication by JRS.
As 2021 comes to an end, the situation in Iraq continues to be marked by instability and multiple uncertainties. Challenges abound. Although the election was held on 10 October, a new government has yet to be formed. A recent UN report lists Iraq as the world’s fifth most vulnerable country to the effects of climate change. 25% of the 40 million population of this oil-rich country live below the poverty line. 1 million people are estimated to be in acute need. Another recent report shows that 5 million orphans, or 5% of all orphans globally, live in Iraq.
The humanitarian situation on the Poland-Belarus border that made news headlines in the fourth quarter of 2021 clearly shows that not all is well in Iraq and that those who have the means will risk everything to find durable solutions for their families and themselves.
In 2022, JRS looks forward to launching new programmes in both Sinjar and Mosul. When the time comes, the establishment of a Jesuit community and of one or more new Jesuit works in Iraq should not be a nostalgic return to a past that cannot be retrieved but a forward-looking mission in the spirit of Fratelli Tutti. The Lord continues to invite us to be prophetic—may He find us responsive to this call.
Joseph Cassar SJ
Country Director, JRS Iraq
Passage au Mexique
Le mois d’août était l’occasion de visiter le Mexique, ma famille et les jésuites de la Province. Après avoir passé deux semaines de vacances en famille, à Torreón, dans le nord du Mexique, je me suis déplacé à Guadalajara (Oued el Hadjara), où la Compagnie de Jésus dirige deux collèges et une grande université (ITESO), où des scolastiques des diverses provinces d’Amérique Latine et des Etats Unis étudient le premier ou seconde cycle de Philosophie et Sciences Sociales.
الأب نورس السمّور في نامور – بلجيكا
وصلت في شهر أيلول/سبتمبر من السنة الماضية إلى مدينة نامور Namur في بلجيكا وذلك من أجل القيام بخدمات رعوية أساسية في أبرشية إقليم نامور. أبرشية نامور لها انتشار كبير في ريف بلجيكا الناطقة باللغة الفرنسية ويبلغ عدد كنائسها (رعاياها) حوالي ال ٧٥٠ كنيسة يخدمها ٢٣٠ كاهن أكثر من ثلهم أجانب من أصول أفريقية بمعظمهم، ومن الثلثين المتبقيين من الكهنة البجيكيين تبلغ نسبة من هم من أصول أجنبية أكثر من النص.
La formation des catéchètes en Syrie
En tant que responsable de la catéchèse pour toutes les communautés catholiques de Damas et Banlieue et, récemment de l’ensemble de la Syrie, deux sujets essentiels me préoccupent : la formation des catéchètes et le programme.
Le Christ selon l’Église copte Un désir dans le désert
« Sauver la proposition de l’autre », voici le point de départ intellectuel aussi bien que spirituel qui m’a fait rentrer dans une mission chère à la compagnie, à savoir annoncer l’Évangile à la frontière. Je suis reconnaissant à P. Michel Fédou qui m’a accompagné vers cette découverte pendant mes études au Centre Sèvres. Grâce à son approche dialogale, j’ai appris l’appréciation du patrimoine copte, en m’enracinant dans mon Église. Cette approche vise à approfondir la compréhension de l’autre sans abandonner notre identité en évitant un syncrétisme superficiel afin d’atteindre une rencontre authentique.
Rencontre provinciale de Taanayel 2024 – Appelés sous l’étendard du Christ
Environ 85 jésuites de la Province du Proche-Orient et du Maghreb, qui comprend l’Algérie, l’Égypte, l’Irak, la Jordanie, le Liban, le Maroc, la Syrie, la Terre Sainte et la Turquie, se sont réunis dans la Bekaa libanaise, au monastère de Taanayel, pour réécouter les appels et les défis de leurs pays. C’est au cœur de la spiritualité ignatienne de voir la réalité qui nous entoure, de bien écouter ses besoins, de la mettre dans notre prière, de discerner l’appel du Seigneur, de choisir et de décider ce qu’il faut faire selon “Sa volonté”.
Taanayel 2024 Provincial Meeting – Called under the Banner of Christ
Approximately 85 Jesuits from the Near East and Maghreb Province, which includes Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, the Holy Land and Turkey, gathered in the Lebanese Bekaa in the monastery of Taanayel to listen again to the calls and the challenges of their countries. It is at the heart of Ignatian spirituality to see the reality around us, to listen well to its needs, to put this in our prayer, to discern the call of the Lord, to choose and decide what to do according to “His will”.