أخبار ذات صلة
مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

يتيح العمل في الرسالة على مشاهدة حضور الله في خليقته، وتلمّس أعماله الجميلة والمحيّة في كلّ مخلوقاته. لكن هذه المشاهدة ليست سهلة، لأنّها تحتاج إلى قراءة يوميّة للأحداث والمواقف على ضوء نظر الله المحبّ.

قراءة المزيد
Easter Greetings from the AMC!

Easter Greetings from the AMC!

It has been a challenging year for many migrants in Lebanon. Our community members have weathered rising rents and scarcer work, fears of expanding conflict, travel restrictions, and a whole host of daily difficulties. And yet, Easter joy abounds! The joy of the resurrection was made obvious this last week here in the AMC. Our whole community gathered for the Paschal Triduum to walk with Christ through his death and resurrection.

قراءة المزيد
Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

The third batch of tertians in Bikfaya have just graduated their school of the heart. Theirs has been a very particular class. It is true of every class, and of each tertian. But armed conflicts leading to displacements and disruptions are not a common tertianship experiment. I am so grateful that all participants kept safe and well, and even drew no little spiritual profit from the difficult situation in which they found themselves.

قراءة المزيد

After waiting for more than year, I finally managed to arrive in the Holy Land to start my regency. My regency consists of teaching English at the University of Bethlehem and to be a chaplain to the Christian student body. This is an amazing opportunity that combines the pastoral with the academic and it gives me a great chance to grow in both. 

I was asked to introduce myself here, but maybe some of you might remember me. I joined our least Society in 2014 in Birmingham, England. I was born in the Netherlands and am part of the European Low Countries, the former Dutch province. It was, however, already during my novitiate that I was first sent to this part of the world. When I was a novice, I had the fortune to work with JRS in Beirut under the auspices of Michael Zammit SJ. After my novitiate, my provincial sent me to Fordham University in New York, and then to the University of Toronto in Canada to obtain a bachelors and a masters respectively in Middle Eastern Studies. During those years I had the fortune to spent two summers in this region. I spent the first in Jordan to work on my Arabic and the second again in Beirut to study colloquial Arabic and to work with the JRS school in Bourj Hammoud. After I finished my masters in Toronto, I was supposed to arrive in Bethlehem to start my regency. However, a global pandemic prevented me from travelling there. So, instead of starting my regency elsewhere, it was decided to start with a year of theology in Leuven. This allowed me to finished my first cycle in theology while waiting to travel to Palestine. Luckily that opportunity came last July.

I’ve spent just a few months here in Bethlehem and I feel privileged to be able to work here. I try to teach English to first year students which has it particular challenges. Most of the students, like elsewhere in the world, have spent most of the last two years online. This shows in their language skills and in their classroom behaviors. The other part of the job is to work with students and to help them grow in their faith. But before I can really start doing that, I feel that there is a steep learning curve to be had: I have to learn about and try to comprehend the complex situation in Palestine, the reality of Israeli occupation is felt deeply. At the same time, I have to grow accustomed to the local sensibilities and intricate relational dynamics of the West Bank. 

I feel blessed to have the opportunity to work and live here, and I look forward to the challenges it might bring.   

Mark Logtenberg SJ

أخبار ذات صلة
مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

مراحل في رسالة يسوعيّ

يتيح العمل في الرسالة على مشاهدة حضور الله في خليقته، وتلمّس أعماله الجميلة والمحيّة في كلّ مخلوقاته. لكن هذه المشاهدة ليست سهلة، لأنّها تحتاج إلى قراءة يوميّة للأحداث والمواقف على ضوء نظر الله المحبّ.

قراءة المزيد
Easter Greetings from the AMC!

Easter Greetings from the AMC!

It has been a challenging year for many migrants in Lebanon. Our community members have weathered rising rents and scarcer work, fears of expanding conflict, travel restrictions, and a whole host of daily difficulties. And yet, Easter joy abounds! The joy of the resurrection was made obvious this last week here in the AMC. Our whole community gathered for the Paschal Triduum to walk with Christ through his death and resurrection.

قراءة المزيد
Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

Tertianship is what tertians give to each other

The third batch of tertians in Bikfaya have just graduated their school of the heart. Theirs has been a very particular class. It is true of every class, and of each tertian. But armed conflicts leading to displacements and disruptions are not a common tertianship experiment. I am so grateful that all participants kept safe and well, and even drew no little spiritual profit from the difficult situation in which they found themselves.

قراءة المزيد
D’Ankara à Belfast, Le Caire, Ephèse, Nicée, Eskişehir, Almaty (et bien d’autres lieux!)

D’Ankara à Belfast, Le Caire, Ephèse, Nicée, Eskişehir, Almaty (et bien d’autres lieux!)

Qu’est-ce que vous faites à Ankara? Telle est souvent une des premières questions que j’entends lorsque je voyage. Chacun de nous quatre avons bien sûr nos activités habituelles: Michael écrit pour diverses publications (maintenant sur “l’appel universel à la sainteté”); Changmo étudie le turc, commence à s’engager avec les jeunes à la paroisse et s’acclimate peu à peu à la Turquie; Alexis, responsable de cette paroisse turcophone et de la formation de ses catéchumènes, est également impliqué dans des médias et la gestion pratique de la résidence; quant à moi, supérieur de celle-ci, je travaille dans la formation et l’accompagnement au service de l’Église de Turquie, et ai quelques engagements en dehors du pays pour le dialogue interreligieux, à divers titres.

قراءة المزيد
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