Note du consulteur – Novembre 2024
La consulte de province s’est réunie du 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2024 à Saint-Joseph à Beyrouth.
معالي وزير التربية والتعليم في ربوع العائلة المقدسة
استقبلت مدرسة العائلة المقدسة محمد عبد اللطيف معالي وزير التربية والتعليم و الفني يوم الثلاثاء الثاني عشر من ديسمبر بحضور السفير إريك شوفالييه سفير فرنسا بالقاهرة، للتعرف وتعميق العلاقات بين الدولة المصرية والفرنكوفونية في مصر. كما رافق وزير التربية والتعليم والسفير الفرنسي خلال الزيارة، السيد دانييل رينيو ملحق التعاون التربوي في السفارة الفرنسية، والسيد فرانك توريس ملحق التعاون اللغوي في المعهد الفرنسي.
Récollection de la communauté de St. Joseph à Bikfaya
Le samedi 7 décembre, treize membres de notre communauté sont montés à Bikfaya pour prier ensemble à l’occasion de l’avent et se préparer à Noël. Certains craignaient le froid et portaient un surplus d’habits. Mais quelle surprise agréable d’y trouver le soleil et une maison bien chauffée !
8-12 December 2022, Cairo, Egypt
The “Baladi” exhibition is organized each year for 3 to 5 days around the beginning of December. It started in 1993 and is focused on promoting handcrafts and local Egyptian specialties. It aims to provide an exposure opportunity for small non-governmental organizations (NGO), charities, local communities, and individuals with small projects. In this encounter, the exhibitors have a chance to test their products, know the clients’ needs and enhance the quality of their work, by interacting and sharing their experience with clients and other exhibitors.
The exhibition usually has around 40 NGOs and individuals from different governorates in Egypt. You can find all sorts of gift ideas for Christmas or just things to buy for the house or your loved ones. The products vary from hand embroidered linen, scarfs, bags to woodwork, food, kids’ toys, accessories, Christmas decorations, and much more. Furthermore, you can always find activities for the kids during the exhibition as well as Christmas Carols.
The exhibition is organized by the Christian Life Community (CLC). Each year, the preparation for the exhibition starts in the preceding September or October with a group of volunteers from the CLC. Everyone is eager and willing to help with whatever they can for Baladi. The tasks before and during the exhibition vary: from setting up, decorating, cooking, to advertising, coordinating with the exhibitors and book-keeping,…etc. The organizing team (friends) give power to each other and consequently to the exhibitors. With this spirit of work, every year new members join the organizing team.
Even when some of the exhibitors don’t financially profit much from their presence at the exhibition, they always love to come back again and participate because it gives them the opportunity to open up to each other and to different people, spend two days in a warm, family atmosphere. They are grateful for Baladi for the love and spirit they experienced and witnessed. They also emphasize how their work evolved over the years with Baladi. On the visitors’ side, they usually come in families, especially if a family day fair is organized alongside the exhibition. They can enjoy the Christmas spirit, while shopping, and socializing year after year. Many visitors actually come to provide positive support to the exhibitors.
After the exhibition, the organizing team, exhibitors and visitors realize, each year, that what mattered most was the spirit. Baladi exhibition is all about the support and encouragement given to each other. The excitement and joy that come after every exhibition are worth the effort from all participants.
Drafted by: May Magdy
Reviewed by: Ayman George
أخبار ذات صلة
Note du consulteur – Novembre 2024
La consulte de province s’est réunie du 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2024 à Saint-Joseph à Beyrouth.
معالي وزير التربية والتعليم في ربوع العائلة المقدسة
استقبلت مدرسة العائلة المقدسة محمد عبد اللطيف معالي وزير التربية والتعليم و الفني يوم الثلاثاء الثاني عشر من ديسمبر بحضور السفير إريك شوفالييه سفير فرنسا بالقاهرة، للتعرف وتعميق العلاقات بين الدولة المصرية والفرنكوفونية في مصر. كما رافق وزير التربية والتعليم والسفير الفرنسي خلال الزيارة، السيد دانييل رينيو ملحق التعاون التربوي في السفارة الفرنسية، والسيد فرانك توريس ملحق التعاون اللغوي في المعهد الفرنسي.
Récollection de la communauté de St. Joseph à Bikfaya
Le samedi 7 décembre, treize membres de notre communauté sont montés à Bikfaya pour prier ensemble à l’occasion de l’avent et se préparer à Noël. Certains craignaient le froid et portaient un surplus d’habits. Mais quelle surprise agréable d’y trouver le soleil et une maison bien chauffée !
Parish Openning 2024
At Christmastime, the Church celebrates new beginnings—Christ’s coming into the world, when everything is made new. But as Christians, we also believe that these new beginnings are a continuation—the fulfillment of God’s tireless work among us, an answer to ancient promises and eternal yearnings. This December, the Jesuits of Lebanon had the chance to celebrate a development in one of our missions in exactly this way—a change that is at once new and familiar, fulfilling old promises and building new opportunities.
semaine jesuite 2024 – CNDJ
« Marcher aux côtés des pauvres et des exclus » est la deuxième des quatre Préférences apostoliques universelles, l’une des orientations que suivent les jésuites dans leurs missions pour servir au mieux le monde et l’Église. Elle récuse toute recherche d’élitisme et demande, non pas de travailler pour ou en faveur des pauvres, mais de marcher à côté d’eux, à côté de notre monde et des personnes blessées dans leur dignité, en promouvant une mission de réconciliation et de justice.
150ans de l’USJ
En cette année où nous fêtons les 150 ans de l’USJ, il est bon pour tous ceux qui y sont engagés de s’arrêter pour regarder le chemin parcouru et envisager l’avenir. C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’a demandé le P. Général à toute la communauté universitaire de l’USJ à travers « l’Examen jésuite ».