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معالي وزير التربية والتعليم في ربوع العائلة المقدسة

معالي وزير التربية والتعليم في ربوع العائلة المقدسة

استقبلت مدرسة العائلة المقدسة محمد عبد اللطيف معالي وزير التربية والتعليم و الفني يوم الثلاثاء الثاني عشر من ديسمبر بحضور السفير إريك شوفالييه سفير فرنسا بالقاهرة، للتعرف وتعميق العلاقات بين الدولة المصرية والفرنكوفونية في مصر. كما رافق وزير التربية والتعليم والسفير الفرنسي خلال الزيارة، السيد دانييل رينيو ملحق التعاون التربوي في السفارة الفرنسية، والسيد فرانك توريس ملحق التعاون اللغوي في المعهد الفرنسي.

قراءة المزيد

The Jesuit Community of Amman is going through a drastic reshuffle after the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s not because of Corona but because of various practical reasons. Sch. Moayad completed successfully two years of regency at JRS, Jordan. He left for his further studies in Paris on 26th June. His two years of stay and work in his homeland was like rediscovering many things – be it family members, relatives, friends or his own country. He was out of Jordan for more than eight years; first in the Gulf for his works and then his journey in the Society. He is privileged to be the first Jesuit from Jordan. All the best wishes to him for his theological studies.

American Jesuits left Jordan for good by the end of July, 2020 handing over everything to the Near East Province. Since then, it has been a process of rediscovering Jesuits’ mission here. One of the main attention has been to reach people through Arabic language and Ignatian spirituality. 

This year was indeed special commemorating the Ignatian year. Some of our Jesuits from the Province responded willing to give talks, sessions and retreats in Arabic language.   Besides Jordanians, there are thousands of refugees from different countries. Iraqi Christians are of a sizeable number here. 

P. Zaki was in Amman from July 7 – 14. He is invited here on regular intervals. This time his talks and sessions were taking the verses from the Bible and talking on “Healing memories”, “Holy wrath ??”, Fate, Purgatory, etc.

Sch. Emile was with us from June 30 – July 27. His first visit was about twelve years ago when he had come here for an experience from the novitiate. He helped the Community in various ways whenever needed and made his presence felt. Thanks for your visit, Emile.

P. John Predmore from USA was here from July 5 -August 01 replacing P. Marc in his home visit to Germany. He was here in the community about nine years ago as an in charge of the English Personal Parish. He was able to recall back his early days and enjoyed his work and stay of one month.

From July 19 – 27, P. Salah was in Amman to give a retreat to the Sisters of the Rosary. On the final day he made himself available and stayed for a night with us in the Community before leaving back to Lebanon.

On 15th August afternoon, P. Mourad arrived from Syria to give two talks and the retreat. His first visit was in 2006. We hope and pray that all Arabic speaking Christians in Jordan take benefit from our services.

Bimal Kerketta, sj

أخبار ذات صلة
معالي وزير التربية والتعليم في ربوع العائلة المقدسة

معالي وزير التربية والتعليم في ربوع العائلة المقدسة

استقبلت مدرسة العائلة المقدسة محمد عبد اللطيف معالي وزير التربية والتعليم و الفني يوم الثلاثاء الثاني عشر من ديسمبر بحضور السفير إريك شوفالييه سفير فرنسا بالقاهرة، للتعرف وتعميق العلاقات بين الدولة المصرية والفرنكوفونية في مصر. كما رافق وزير التربية والتعليم والسفير الفرنسي خلال الزيارة، السيد دانييل رينيو ملحق التعاون التربوي في السفارة الفرنسية، والسيد فرانك توريس ملحق التعاون اللغوي في المعهد الفرنسي.

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