Consécration de la Compagnie au Sacré Cœur de Jésus
Le Père Arturo Sosa SJ a informé qu’avec la clôture de l’Année Ignacienne, le 31 juillet 2022, il renouvellera la Consécration de la Compagnie au Sacré-Cœur de Jésus

Tenth monthly message for the Ignatian Year – 10th video
Here is the link which access the seventh video message with subtitles in French, English, Spanish and Italian.

Ignatian Year Projects Newsletter #32
Click here for the full newsletter
On May 23, 2021, members of the worldwide Ignatian family — Jesuits and lay collaborators alike — joined together in a virtual prayer experience to kick off the Ignatian Year, a global celebration marking the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion.
There was one Jesuit who was sure not to miss the event.
“In Pamplona, 500 years ago, all the worldly dreams of Ignatius were shattered in one instance,” Pope Francis said in a video message. “This one cannonball changed the course of his life, and of the world.”
As we begin this Ignatian Year, I invite you to reflect on Pope Francis’ words in their entirety. Below, we provide the full text of his message — with select phrases bolded — along with annotations to consider in your prayer.
Full article here: https://bit.ly/3h6LXGC

Consécration de la Compagnie au Sacré Cœur de Jésus
Le Père Arturo Sosa SJ a informé qu’avec la clôture de l’Année Ignacienne, le 31 juillet 2022, il renouvellera la Consécration de la Compagnie au Sacré-Cœur de Jésus

Tenth monthly message for the Ignatian Year – 10th video
Here is the link which access the seventh video message with subtitles in French, English, Spanish and Italian.

Ignatian Year Projects Newsletter #32
Click here for the full newsletter

Célébration de l’Année Ignatienne en Turquie
Les jésuites sont présent à Ankara depuis plus de 20 ans maintenant, dans le cadre de la paroisse de la capitale administrative de la Turquie et des services qu’ils rendent plus généralement à l’Eglise

Ignatian Year Projects Newsletter #31
Click here for the full newsletter

Seventh monthly message for the Ignatian Year – 7th video
Here is the link which access the seventh video message with subtitles in French, English, Spanish and Italian.